
The definitive guide to Wakasa chopsticks

August 31, 2022

What are Wakasa chopsticks?

Wakasa chopsticks are a type of Japanese chopsticks that are made from wood coated with lacquer. Perphaps unsurprisingly, they're named after Wakasa, a region in Japan famous for its lacquerware. Wakasa-nuri chopsticks are known for their beautiful, glossy finish and durability. They're often used for formal occasions or given as gifts.

Wakasa – the home of Wakasa-nuri chopsticks

The Wakasa region of Japan has a long history of producing lacquerware, dating back to the Edo period (1603-1868).

The whole area is known for its high-quality lacquer and skilled craftsmen who are able to produce beautiful and durable lacquerware products.

The tradition of lacquerware production in Wakasa has been passed down through the generations, and the region is now known for producing some of the finest lacquerware in Japan, including Wakasa chopsticks.

Nowadays, Wakasa region dominates production of chopsticks in Japan – with market share exceeding 80%.

So what makes Wakasa-nuri chopsticks special?

Wakasa-nuri chopsticks are considered to be a more luxurious and refined type of chopsticks. Some of the factors that contribute to the superior quality of Wakasa chopsticks include:

  • The appearance: Wakasa chopsticks are known for their beautiful, glossy finish and elegant appearance. They are often decorated with patterns or designs that add to their visual appeal, and are considered to be a more formal and sophisticated type of chopsticks. This makes them stand out from more basic or utilitarian types of chopsticks, and contributes to their superior quality.

  • The materials: Wakasa chopsticks are made from wood that is carefully selected for its strength and durability, and is coated with several layers of lacquer. The lacquer used to make Wakasa chopsticks is typically a type called urushi, which is a natural lacquer made from the sap of the poison ivy tree. Urushi is highly prized in Japan for its beauty and durability, and has been used for centuries to create a wide variety of lacquerware products, including chopsticks, bowls, and trays.

  • The craftsmanship: Making Wakasa chopsticks involves several steps and requires a high level of skill and attention to detail. The wood for the chopsticks is carefully selected and cut to size, and then sanded and polished to create a smooth surface. The chopsticks are then coated with several layers of lacquer, which gives them their glossy finish and makes them resistant to water and stains. Some Wakasa chopsticks may also be decorated with patterns or designs using techniques such as maki-e, which involves sprinkling gold or silver powder onto the wet lacquer, or by applying different colors of lacquer. These techniques require a high level of skill and attention to detail, and contribute to the superior quality of Wakasa chopsticks.

  • The durability: Wakasa chopsticks are made from high-quality materials and are designed to be durable and long-lasting. They are resistant to water and stains, and can be cared for and used for many years. This makes them superior to some other types of chopsticks, which may be more prone to wear and tear or are intended to be used once and thrown away.

Are Wakasa chopsticks and Wakasa-nuri chopsticks the same?

You probably heard the terms Wakasa chopsticks and Wakasa-nuri chopsticks used almost interchangeably (this article included).

But what is the difference?

Wakasa is a region in Japan that is known for its lacquerware production, while Wakasa-nuri refers to a specific type of lacquerware that is made in the Wakasa region.

Wakasa chopsticks are a type of Japanese chopsticks that are made from wood coated with lacquer and made using the traditional techniques and materials that are associated with Wakasa-nuri lacquerware.

So, any pair of chopsticks that is produced in the Wakasa region and made using these traditional techniques can be called Wakasa-nuri chopsticks.

That being said, both of those terms are widely used and refer to the same beautiful Japanese chopsticks that we've come to love.

How are Wakasa-nuri chopsticks made?

As mentioned, the process of making Wakasa chopsticks involves several steps and requires a high level of skill and attention to detail.

Generally, the process used to create Wakasa-nuri chopsticks can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Selecting the wood: The first step in making Wakasa chopsticks is selecting the wood that will be used. The wood is typically chosen for its strength and durability, and may include types such as cherry, oak, or maple.

  2. Cutting the wood: Once the wood has been selected, it is cut to the desired size for the chopsticks. The size of the chopsticks will depend on the intended use and the preferences of the craftsman.

  3. Sanding and polishing: The wood is then sanded and polished to create a smooth surface. This helps to remove any roughness or imperfections and helps to prepare the wood for the next step in the process.

  4. Coating with lacquer: The chopsticks are then coated with several layers of lacquer, which gives them their glossy finish and makes them resistant to water and stains. As mentioned, the lacquer used to make Wakasa chopsticks is typically a type called urushi, which is a natural lacquer made from the sap of the poison ivy tree.

  5. Decorating: Some Wakasa chopsticks may be decorated with patterns or designs using techniques such as maki-e, which involves sprinkling gold or silver powder onto the wet lacquer, or by applying different colors of lacquer. The patterns and designs used on Wakasa chopsticks can vary widely, and may include abstract designs, flowers, animals, or other motifs, limited only to the craftsman's imagination.

  6. Finishing: Once the chopsticks have been coated with lacquer and decorated, they are allowed to dry and cure. This can take several days or longer, depending on the specific techniques and materials used. Once the lacquer has fully cured, the chopsticks are finished and are ready to be used.


I hope this brief overview gave you a bit of insight into the uniqueness of Wakasa-nuri chopsticks.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why don't you take a look at our offering of genuine Wakasa-nuri chopsticks?